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Students for Sensible Drug Policy
The objectives and purposes of SSDP ECU directly benefit enrolled students at the University by providing a platform for community engagement, education, and advocacy on drug policy reform.
Here’s how: Community Events and Networking: SSDP ECU organises community events that foster a sense of belonging and connection among students. By growing networks with students and researchers on campus, the club creates spaces for dialogue and collaboration.
Local Campaigns and Advocacy: The club runs local campaigns advocating for initiatives like the Safer Partying Initiative, which provides harm reduction information and testing kits to students. These campaigns directly contribute to the health and safety of enrolled students.
Empowerment through Advocacy: SSDP ECU empowers students to engage in advocacy efforts for drug law reform. By participating in campaigns and initiatives, students learn about policy issues, develop advocacy skills, and become active agents of change in their communities.
Educational Opportunities: The club offers educational opportunities for students to learn about drug policy, public health, and social justice issues. Through workshops, seminars, and guest speaker events, students gain valuable insights and perspectives on complex societal issues.
Representation and Engagement: SDP ECU represents the voices and interests of students in discussions and decisions related to drug policy. By engaging with local councils, health services, and other community groups, the club ensures that student perspectives are considered in relevant matters.
Overall, SSDP ECU’s objectives and purposes align with the values of social justice, public health, and youth empowerment. By providing opportunities for education, advocacy, and community engagement, the club directly contributes to the well-being and empowerment of enrolled students at the University.

President: Helin Cimen


Mt Lawley


Building 34.215 (Ngoolark)
Edith Cowan University
270 Joondalup Drive

Building 12
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street

Building 7
Edith Cowan University
585 Robertson Drive

Open Hours

Mon – Fri:
​8am – 4pm

Phone: (08) 6304 2640

ABN: 87 081 487 187

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