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ECU Iranian Club

The purpose of this club is to bring together Iranian students, as well as individuals interested in Iranian culture, to celebrate significant cultural events, festivals, and holidays that are important to us. We plan to organise and celebrate key Iranian holidays such as Nowruz (Persian New Year), 13 Bedar, Yalda Night, 4 Shanbe Suri, and other important cultural traditions.

These events not only help us preserve our rich heritage, but also provide an opportunity to share our culture with the broader ECU community, fostering diversity and cross-cultural understanding. The Iranian Student Club aims to celebrate Iranian culture by hosting events to mark these important holidays, allowing students to connect, share experiences, and engage in traditional activities. In addition, the club will serve as a platform for cultural exchange, encouraging both Iranian and non-Iranian students to engage with and appreciate Iranian traditions.

It will also offer a supportive community for Iranian students, providing them with a space to connect with others from similar backgrounds, as well as opportunities for networking and academic collaboration. We believe this club will enrich the cultural life at ECU and offer students from all backgrounds the chance to learn about and celebrate Iranian traditions.

President: Hamed Kariman


Mt Lawley


Building 34.215 (Ngoolark)
Edith Cowan University
270 Joondalup Drive

Building 12
Edith Cowan University
2 Bradford Street

Building 7
Edith Cowan University
585 Robertson Drive

Open Hours

Mon – Fri:
​8am – 4pm

Phone: (08) 6304 2640

ABN: 87 081 487 187

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